Monday, March 6, 2017

In U.S. History, we finished up WWI, the age of trust busters and limiting big business and impact Christians had in fighting modernism in US culture.  One of the ways Christianity was promoted was through literature.  Lew Wallace authored the famous book, Ben-Hur.  To give a break during ISTEP and play practice, we watched the classic 1950 production of the movie in class.

Mr. Kipfer has moved onto the teachings of the where, when, why and how Christians have influences cultures and countries thoughout the ages.

In M.S. Health, we have been studying endocrinology.  We discussed different hormones and their functions along with how they affect day to day living.

In Economics, Tim Drayer gave a very applicable talk on how to best manage personal finances.  We also began a documentary on the Great Depression along with keeping up with our normal curriculum.

In Chemistry, we are studying ideal gases.  We have applies Boyle's Law and Charles' Law together to use Combined Gas Law.  We also studied the Ideal Gas Law by using mass and moles to calculate volumes and temperatures.

In Physics, we have been studying the reflection and refraction of light.  We studied the difference in concave vs convex lenses along with constructing light diagrams to calculate real or virtual images and if they will be magnified or inverted.

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