Thursday, April 5, 2018

The English Corner

     Over the month of March, the 7/8 Grammar class has covered a chapter on using adverbs and adjectives correctly and another one on using the correct homonym and tricky verbs such as lie/lay, sit/set, and rise/raise. They had fun doing a rewrite of the Three Little Pigs using these tricky verbs and homonyms. (Ask them to read you their story!) They are off to a good start on the Capitalization chapter, too. Once a week they are back to practicing handwriting-I hope that regular practice of this will add to their skill and help them for years to come!
     The American Lit class has experienced the writings of the Masters of Realism (Mark Twain was the most familiar of these), and now the Naturalists (Crane, London, and Norris) and Anti-Naturalists (Markham, O'Henry, and Fanny Crosby) as well. The students have commented on hearing some naturalist views expressed recently, realizing the influence of this thinking that first expressed itself in literature in the late 19th century persists through today. The "remnant" of Christian thought in literature expressed itself in that time period, too, with the anti-naturalists, although it wasn't as popular. Yet, Jesus wasn't popular, either...  Thankful that writers are willing to share their Christian convictions.
     "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle gave the 9/10 English class a good mystery to solve and experience the literary techniques of a skilled writer. Overall, they enjoyed the Unit on Essay and Short Story. We have now been reading and learning about Folktales and Epics. The Iliad excerpts are great examples of epic conventions, many of which are still used in modern literature. As to be expected because the students' interests are varied, not everyone likes all the selections, yet that helps to stretch us, including me!  I really appreciate that they all are trying. Our book's selections helps us expand our literature experience!
     The 7/8 English class is taking the Unit test tomorrow on the selections of poems and stories in the "Adventures" unit. We really liked the Ben-Hur adaptation. Point of view and literary devices like alliteration, irony, hyperbole, etc. were highlighted. I really enjoyed our unit review today, as the students had lots of energy and competed to get the right answer first!
     It's amazing that we are looking at the last seven weeks of this school year! It has been full, fun and fascinating. I learn so much teaching all these students.  Thank you for all you do to support KA. It is a blessing to teach at this Christian school.

In Christ's amazing love,
Mrs. Lemmen

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