Monday, December 12, 2016

The English Post

Merry Christmas!!  Well, it's almost here!  Classes are still going strong so far!  The MS Lit class enjoyed a unit on generosity, including a story by Leo Tolstoy A Grain As Big As a Hen's Egg.  We are now enjoying the amazing writing of Charles Dickens in A Christmas Carol , and meeting his kind and generous boss Mr. Fezziwig, among other characters.  Grammar has them dissecting sentences, memorizing prepositions, finding dependent clauses, and complex sentences.

The Sophomore English class just finished a unit on the eight parts of speech.  They dug into the challenge of determining the many ways our English words are used, as well as their labels!!  They are now enjoying reading and analyzing The Giver by Lois Lowry.  Jonas' community is a perfect society that functions well, but is void of deep feelings and choice.  It gives us an appreciation for the warm, caring families and community we have.        

The 11/12 grade just wrapped up a unit on writing.  They worked hard analyzing others' writing, then they worked hard again, writing an analytical essay of their own.  Thinking a novel would offset the hard work they've been doing, we started The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.  If you've read this, you will recognize that it's no easy "read!"  But, it seems this group likes a challenge, as they are all getting into it and unpacking it daily to find its amazing golden nuggets.  C.S. Lewis has a way of putting may take a bit of longer thought, but the results are stronger! "Once you have made the World an end, and faith a means, you have almost won your man, and it makes very little difference what kind of worldly end he is pursuing,"  says Screwtape, from his devil's viewpoint.  (You can ask your student what Lewis meant here, if you haven't read it.)

The government class has experienced being in a mock trial-a criminal case-theft in the first degree. They all did a wonderful job in their roles, whether it was the judge, an attorney, a witness, defendant, juror or courtroom deputy!  The verdict was "not guilty."  The class is memorizing 1Timothy 2:1-4 for a quiz this week and we are reading the final chapter of the book!!!!  They have worked hard and covered a lot of territory in this class!  Thursday we'll celebrate "Bill of Rights Day" as this important document was ratified and became a part of the US Constitution on December 15, 1791.

Thank you for all your support for the Friendship Soups being made by the Family and Consumer Science class.  We will still take orders if you find you or someone else needs more for Christmas gift giving.  The students enjoyed a presentation by Brittany Isch on cakes and cake decorating.  They especially had fun making cupcake creations.  The spinach pinwheels were a success a few weeks ago. In addition to book-learning, we hope to have yet a candy lab and a "chopped" day before Dec 22!!

Thanks for all your support for your students, KA, and the teachers.

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:14

1 comment:

  1. Wow there's a lot going on in your classes! Well done Mrs. Lemmen...sounds exciting!
