Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May Curriculum Update for Mr. Bertsch

U.S. History--We just finished up Vietnam.  Now we are in the late 1970's and 1980's.  A time when President Reagan took Jimmy Carter's spot as President and the Challenger exploded soon after take off. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear these walls down".

M.S. Health--We just finished a Unit on oral health and anatomy.  Now we are finishing out the year studying drugs and alcohol.

Biology--We studied the great evolution vs creation debate along with reading a book written by Ron Kipfer called School Daze.

Physical Science--We are finishing the book next week with a surface glance into the world of astrophysics.  After that we plan to do various documentaries with presentations to explain them.

Chemistry--We are looking at REDOX reactions along with studying the chemical and physical components of how batteries work.  Then we will review for our Final.

Physics--Matt Lemmen (the lone student) finished the book last week and is reviewing the last 2 quarters in preparation for a Final.

Human Anatomy--Olivia and Lauren just finished the Reproductive System and are preparing for their Final presentations.

Marine Biology--We are studying the effects mankind has had on ocean ecosystem and how to prevent future devastation.

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